Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Better Late than Never

This is Sophie.

She turned 2 on April 4. You can see why we call her Sophie the Party Girl. She's always in the mood to have fun. We also call her Hoggle.

Anything, really. Two important things to know about Sophie:

1. She loves her paci. Even more than Marissa, I think. But then, it's so hard to remember what life was like a year ago. We're slowly regaining out sanity around here.

2. She hates being dressed. She squirms out of all her pants by lunch.

Then she tries (unsuccessfully) to take her shirt off too. I used to care, but now, not so much. We live in Alabama after all.

Other things of interest:

  • Her favorite words are Mine and No.

  • She's a great eater but a so-so sleeper.

  • She gets into everything. Recently I found her on top of the counter sucking on a cough drop from the medicine cabinet. A few hours later I found her on the counter again with a big wad of gum in her mouth. I may seem negligent, but man, the girl is fast!

  • Usually the older sister is the bossy one, but Sophie is by far the bossier one of the two. Sweet, mothering Marissa puts up with a lot of 'tude from her baby sis. Sophie rewards her by pulling her hair and laughing hysterically while doing so.

  • She's a daddy's girl and waves and shouts, "Hi daddy!" over and over when he gets home.

  • She is definitely more spice than sugar.
I can't get enough of her blond curls, boisterous laugh, and sweet baby smell. We love you Sophie!